I play Magic, and I've played at three different shops. Of all of them, there were usually never any females besides me and whatever friends I brought along. I say usually, because sometimes guys brought their girlfriends or Moms to play, but those women never came back.
Each shop I start at, there's always a ruckus about me being female. Always. It's a mixture of "Holy-shit-it's-a-chick" and "Haha-she'll-be-an-easy-win." That second statement doesn't stick around for long, though. After playing at my current shops (I fluctuate between two) for a while, the regulars finally treat me like "one of the guys," but new guys still give me the "Holy-shit-it's-a-girl" looks. If you find yourself in a similar situation, just go with it. Men like this will underestimate you, which gives you the advantage. It always makes winning feel way better.
I call her "Grissa" instead of Glissa. Say it like you're in South Park.
Now that a woman has made it to the Pro-Tour, hopefully it'll be less of a shocker to men at our local game shops that, hey, we exist, and we'll kick your ass.
I kick my man's ass all the time with my amazing white deck ;D